Well 4 days to the gym this week again ^_^
I don't know if my routine is too soft or strong or what, my trainer at the gym made it for me, thing is I don't know how the machines are called
Let me put it this way, I come in and do 30 min of cardio in eliptical machine at intensity 6 in the weight loss or mixed course, the 150 abs then off to the machines...
On the first one I do 4x 20 repetitions with 20 pounds
On the second one I do 4x 20 repetitions with 40 or 50 pounds
On the third one I do 4x 20 repetitions with 40 or 50 pounds
On the fourth one I do 4x 20 repetitions with 60 pounds
On the fifth one I do 4x 20 repetitions with 10 pounds
On the sixth one I do 4x 20 repetitions with 30 pounds
On the seventh one I do 4x 20 repetitions in 3 different leg positions (middle, middle top and top corners) with 110 pounds
On the eight one I do 4x 20 repetitions with 10 or 20 pounds
On the ninth one I do 4x 20 repetitions (both inwards and outwards position) with 50 or 60 pounds
I usually work just legs or just arms and chest, in arms he also has me take the 10 pound dumbbells and do 3x 15 repitition or 4x 20 repitition (depends on his mood jaja) of each of those 4 excersizes in the tenth image, along with 4x 20 repetitions of another in which I kinda pull on a rope

Sorry for being silly and so "illustrative" jaja, tell me, what do you think....!?