Im Thinking Of Doing My First Show And I Wanted To Know What You Guys Think Of This Stack. Here Are My Stats.
5'6/ 200lb/ 12.5%bf/ 23years Old/ Ive Been Working Out Since I Was 14. I Did My First Cycle When I Was 20. This Will Be My Fourth. Here It Is!
Humalog 5iu Post Workout M/w/f Then T/th/sat The Following Week Then 2 Weeks Off. Wk1-15
Qv Eq 400mg Wk1-7
Bd Turanabol 40mg Wk1-7
Qv Eq 600mg Wk8-15
Hcg 10,oooiu
Nolvadex 40mg Day Wk16-17
Qv Winstrol 50mg Ed Wk16-21
Bd Anavar 40mg Ed Wk22-24
Halotestin 10mg Ed Wk22
Halotestin 20mg Ed Wk23-24
So What Do You Guys Think? Please Critique!
5'6/ 200lb/ 12.5%bf/ 23years Old/ Ive Been Working Out Since I Was 14. I Did My First Cycle When I Was 20. This Will Be My Fourth. Here It Is!
Humalog 5iu Post Workout M/w/f Then T/th/sat The Following Week Then 2 Weeks Off. Wk1-15
Qv Eq 400mg Wk1-7
Bd Turanabol 40mg Wk1-7
Qv Eq 600mg Wk8-15
Hcg 10,oooiu
Nolvadex 40mg Day Wk16-17
Qv Winstrol 50mg Ed Wk16-21
Bd Anavar 40mg Ed Wk22-24
Halotestin 10mg Ed Wk22
Halotestin 20mg Ed Wk23-24
So What Do You Guys Think? Please Critique!