New member
I competed in a bodybuilding show the other day, and like most normal bodybuilders, I went out and ate a buttload. I've eaten quite a bit more these last 2 days, and I feel full almost all the time. The big problem is that I have an UNBELIEVABLE water bloat! I've got to have like 10-15 extra pounds of water on me right now. I used taraxatone a few days before the show to get rid of all my water, and now I have a feeling I'm getting bit in the ass by it. I realize all the sodium and carbs I'm eating now are making me hold a lot of water, this is also probably a rebound from the diuretic, but how the hell can I get rid of this bloat?? I feel too full to drink very much water, and I'm for damn sure not taking any more diuretics!