Im just curious why your eating so little carbs. You probably didnt know this, but carbs combined with protein create an anabolic environment. You wont grow without carbs, and you will have a extremely hard time preserving mass on such low carbs. In fact, I dont know why anyone would diet not knowing how much protein, fat and carbs there eating each day. how do you know what to change to continue fat loss, slow muscle loss etc. Your diet seems very hit and miss. If I were you I would do a little research on cutting diets and the importance of carbs. Also, ditch the OJ. It is high GI crap. There is also too little protein in your diet, and the sources are all the same. not good.
You can also eat other complex carbs like whole grain rice, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, etc. I always have rice or whole wheat pasta cooked and in the fridge ready to go. Make some up in advance when you have time.