New member
Hey guys,
I am really having problems with my deadlift and squat form. I'm hoping to figure out where my weaknesses are and how to work on them.
When I deadlift (conventional), my knees lockout almost before the bar ever moves and I straight-leg the weight up. I have pulled conventional all along, but have been trying to learn to pull sumo. When I pull sumo, I get myself positioned correctly; ass low, shoulders behind the bar, and then as I begin to pull my ass shoots straight up, about 6 inches, before the weight ever moves off the floor. Instead of everything firing at once, it's ass raises...the weight begins to knees lockout...then my back pulls the weight on up...then finally my hips thrust as the lift is 95% finshed. It's pretty sad. My sumo pull is like 7 different moves as opposed to one clean pull where everything fires at the same time.
Where is my weakness?
Likewise, when I squat I have found that I am the least flexible person in the world. I can barely get my feet out to 48" with my knees locked (as if I were trying to do the splits). The sad thing is that I am 6'1" and should be able to get me feet out to monolift width or farther very easy with that much leg length. When I try to sit back with the weight my groin and hips feel like they are going to tear as I get 2-3" from the box. This is causing me to not sit back enough as the strain on my hips are too great at the box when my feet are 48" apart. I sit back until everything gets tight, and then I just have to sit down the rest of the way. I find that it is very hard to explode off the box when my feet are this wide.
I'm really hoping to hear some comments from you guys about my form issues/ weaknesses, and how to correct them. I squatted 625 at my last meet, thinking I was a wide Westside squatter, and after viewing the video, realized my feet were only about 36" apart.
PLease Help!
I am really having problems with my deadlift and squat form. I'm hoping to figure out where my weaknesses are and how to work on them.
When I deadlift (conventional), my knees lockout almost before the bar ever moves and I straight-leg the weight up. I have pulled conventional all along, but have been trying to learn to pull sumo. When I pull sumo, I get myself positioned correctly; ass low, shoulders behind the bar, and then as I begin to pull my ass shoots straight up, about 6 inches, before the weight ever moves off the floor. Instead of everything firing at once, it's ass raises...the weight begins to knees lockout...then my back pulls the weight on up...then finally my hips thrust as the lift is 95% finshed. It's pretty sad. My sumo pull is like 7 different moves as opposed to one clean pull where everything fires at the same time.
Where is my weakness?
Likewise, when I squat I have found that I am the least flexible person in the world. I can barely get my feet out to 48" with my knees locked (as if I were trying to do the splits). The sad thing is that I am 6'1" and should be able to get me feet out to monolift width or farther very easy with that much leg length. When I try to sit back with the weight my groin and hips feel like they are going to tear as I get 2-3" from the box. This is causing me to not sit back enough as the strain on my hips are too great at the box when my feet are 48" apart. I sit back until everything gets tight, and then I just have to sit down the rest of the way. I find that it is very hard to explode off the box when my feet are this wide.
I'm really hoping to hear some comments from you guys about my form issues/ weaknesses, and how to correct them. I squatted 625 at my last meet, thinking I was a wide Westside squatter, and after viewing the video, realized my feet were only about 36" apart.
PLease Help!