One time my friend was visiting me up at college. Anyway, real late that night, he was driving drunk and had just dropped me off, about 10 seconds later I hear this crash, some other drunk guy ran a stop sign and blasted my friends truck (real nice dodge). Anyway, I ran back over there to see wtf was going on. The other guy was obviously wasted, so nobody wanted to call the cops. The kid admitted it was his fault and said that he would meet back up with my friend tommorrow to call the police and act like it just happened that day, in order to file police report and get the ins. companies involved, which we did (the kid's parents came and everything).
Well a month or 2 later, this drunk kid's insurance was fighting the claim and my friend never got paid for the damages.
1 month later, my friend is again visiting me at college. We are at my friends apartment having a party. Guess who walks in? The fucking drunk kid! The drunk kid lived right next door. My friend is fucking pissed, tries to fight the kid, scares the shit out of him. Makes him take us to his apartment, and we walked out with his computer for payment. It was a pretty hilarious sight, 2 people walking out with a computer and monitor and anything else we could grab and this douche just standing there.
He called the cops the next day, lol. My buddy returned the shit and nothing happened. My buddy should have just beat his ass. Ah well. It was entertaining.