once i stole a mans wedding ring that he left on the workout floor and i found it, so i kept it. I was 19 and working at the fitness center he was at and found the ring while doing a walkthrough. He even came up to the trainers desk to ask if anyone found it and at that instant I said "no". Dont know what came over me to say that but it was a bad time in my life and yadayada so i said fuck it and kept it.
Heres where it gets fucking hilarious. After a couple weeks I get the balls to take it to a jewelry store to try and sell it (turns out its worth about $5,000). Just so happens I walk into the store where the damn ring was made, and the owner, who I was talking to, made it himself LOL. My story to him was I found it on the street, and since he knew the owner go ahead and keep it and I will walk. But then he asked for my name and number so that the couple could "thank me" (yea right). So then I looked up at all the security cameras and figured I was fucked anyway so gave him my name and number. Sure enough the ring owner calls and he is fucking pissed since that ring was made from diamonds from his grandma or something. Anyway, he doesnt press charges, but he could have. Instead we make an agreement: I do his lawn for 6 months!!! LOL.