I am a lawyer, and I am, for this profession quite young. I go out of my way to let people assume I am a meathead. The dumber you think I am, the better off I am, cause you will slip up, and I won't.
On top of being five eight and 240, I am also a country boy, and talk like one too. How bright do you think that makes you sound?
When I tell people I had a full ride to college, they usually ask me how a person my height gets a full ride to play football, or "where did you wrestle?" It is funny to see their faces when they find out it was a full academic ride.
But then I love to shock people. I am in a profession where the heaviest thing most of these geeks pick up is a briefcase. They work all day beside me, then go home and veg on a couch or go to a bar and drink, while I go home, grab a bite to eat and then head to the gym, every day.
Freaks them out when I am eating tuna and chewing gum for 3 days before a meet to make weight, or when I am drinking Ensure Plus all day to move up a weight class. But my boss thinks I am quite the novelty, and goes out of his way to brag on me to people we meet, telling them about my athletic pursuits, and records and so forth.
So in the right environment it can be a very good thing.
With the femanina's tho, getting bigger has not made me the chick magnet I was expecting. I get discriminated against by women all the time. I guess the bald head and Fu Manchu don't help much in that regard tho.