This is the time of year everyone talks about weight gain as if it's inevitable.
It's the holidays I am going to get fat.
I'll deal with it in January.
I think we all realize though on some level we don't have to gain fat this time of year. No one is forcing us to consume more calories than we expend, right? We are choosing to eat more, and maybe exercise a bit less.
Maybe we could choose a different path this year though.
It's not easy to pass on all those damn cookies and pies and rich food, but it's possible. And I'll bet making a plan right now about how to approach the "fat season" could make handling it easier.
Here's a few strategies I use during this season:
1)Look at myself nekkid everyday. Winter its so easy to hid in your clothing and not confront what may be happening underneath there. Every morning, check it out. Front and back. There is it. If there's a little extra bulge today, it'll be a heck of a lot easier to rectify than several big bulges in January. Taking a good long look at yourself in the altogether is how you hold yourself responsible.
2)If I know I'll feel obligated to eat more at friends' or relatives' houses, I'll exercise more. How do you pass up food w/o hurting Aunt Edna's feelings? (who BTW is 5'3" and weighs 230lbs) She wouldn't understand. Or maybe it's peer pressure. Everybody else is doing it! Ok I'll have a piece of pumpkin pie. (with 30g of sugar in one little damn slice)
I think we need to brainstorm! I have a few ideas, but I know you ladies can come up with some good ones too. Add some stuff to this ladies. Let's plan now.
It's the holidays I am going to get fat.
I'll deal with it in January.
I think we all realize though on some level we don't have to gain fat this time of year. No one is forcing us to consume more calories than we expend, right? We are choosing to eat more, and maybe exercise a bit less.
Maybe we could choose a different path this year though.
It's not easy to pass on all those damn cookies and pies and rich food, but it's possible. And I'll bet making a plan right now about how to approach the "fat season" could make handling it easier.
Here's a few strategies I use during this season:
1)Look at myself nekkid everyday. Winter its so easy to hid in your clothing and not confront what may be happening underneath there. Every morning, check it out. Front and back. There is it. If there's a little extra bulge today, it'll be a heck of a lot easier to rectify than several big bulges in January. Taking a good long look at yourself in the altogether is how you hold yourself responsible.
2)If I know I'll feel obligated to eat more at friends' or relatives' houses, I'll exercise more. How do you pass up food w/o hurting Aunt Edna's feelings? (who BTW is 5'3" and weighs 230lbs) She wouldn't understand. Or maybe it's peer pressure. Everybody else is doing it! Ok I'll have a piece of pumpkin pie. (with 30g of sugar in one little damn slice)
I think we need to brainstorm! I have a few ideas, but I know you ladies can come up with some good ones too. Add some stuff to this ladies. Let's plan now.