Squats - start of my legday (usually 8 reps sets, occassionally I go high rep)
Legpress - after squats to really push my legs to failure w/o being crushed alive/dead (6-8 rep sets)
SLDL - is next, for lower back and hams
Hamcurls - Generally only 1 set, since I just hit em with SLDL, If my knees bother me I skip SLDL and do more ham sets. (note: if my knees are bothering my its because I'm a pussy and my form must have sucked on the last set of SLDL) (6-8reps a set)
Calve raises (standing machine) - I vary the weight usually go really heavy one day (6-8 reps), then lighter more reps next time. (12-15) recently started using the 5x5 gonna use it ED. weight is close to the 6-8 rep weight but a little less.
Leg ext. - If I'm having a really shitty day or pressed for time, I skip legpress (bitch n a half to load the weights up) and do a few more sets of squating, and 3 sets of leg ext., If I did do Legpress I only do 1 set of Leg ext, before i leave (I like the pump heh) (usually get around 10-12 reps a set)