Ok so week 1 down. First comment is holy shit does gw taste awful. It's quite possibly the worst tasting thing I've ever tasted and I've tasted leaded gas and pure alcohol. I've wondered how I'm going to be able to keep myself taking it for a few months. Now to the flip side. I've been slammed with work so diet hasn't been on point as I like. Still making good choices just not perfect choices. Training has been 90% as well do to lack of time. I don't feel like I'm killing it as hard as I could. Still good work out and if you aren't into nutrition I look like in eating healthy. Cardio has been on the low end (lower body hamstring pull from hockey). So all in all not happy with the amount of effort I've been able to put in. And I'm not allowing this stuff to really shine. Even through all this down 4lbs. That's really saying something about this combo. It's pretty hot shit. If your on the fence or skeptical id say give it a shot for a month. 200 bucks is nothing compared to what we spend normally and the results have been pleasing.