Sample Day....this is my "base" diet, I take this and tweak it a little day to day. Everyday can be a little different depending on my activity level and how I feel. But these are the foods I eat, the actual potions may vary a bit. If I am hungrier one day, I'll add another meal of meat and veggies.
I do AM cardio and lift 3x a week. I always have a post-workout shake with GPlenish after weight workouts and interval workouts.
Meal 1:
1/2 cup Cream of Wheat with cinnamon and splenda
1 whole egg, 5 egg whites OR Protein Shake w/ GPlenish
Meal 2:
Protein Shake or Bar (Bar is not the best choice, but whatever!)
Meal 3:
4oz Lean Eye of Round (I am on a red meat kick!)
Green Beans or Salad (no limit)
Meal 4:
Protein Shake w/ GPlenish
Meal 5:
4oz Turkey
Green Beans or Salad (no limit)
Meal 6:
Protein Shake w/ GPlenish OR 1 whole egg, 5 egg whites
Low-Carb Tortilla
Natty PB