Geez...dont bring back memories..... Stupid young bitch that doesent know what she wants. ( no offense)
I dont touch any woman under 30 now.
If some women told me shes confused now..lmfao....i would laugh in her face.
Confused bitch? Realy ...well here is the door! Get the hell out..
When i used to be younger i used to get all raveled up in this....let a bitch bring my life to a crash. I asked questions like you.....thought about every single thing that happened...how it could be tied into another. Drove myself crazy..with anger, questions, jelousy. Its amazing how diferent things are when women can sense you dont put up with any crap/games etc, when you are steadfast.
Bro, Sounds like she doesent want you period. If she wanted you she would not be confused. I suggest you do it like in Seinfeld....go to a fancy restaurant......make it classy.....real classy..have her having a good time.
Then tell her out of the blue "its over "
Smile and leave without paying the check!
I find women 27+ are ussualy past the games etc. know what they want...how they want it...and are straitforward and DEFINATELY HAVE A SEX DRIVE!
Confused....believe me bro...no sane girl in the world who cares abvout you/loves you/remotely likes you will say she is confused......if a girl realy likes you she will do everything and anything to win you over.
So many women out there....find a new one.
"She also is not sure if she wants to be with me, She says she has way too many feelings too fast and doesn't wanna be hurt"
Tell her if she doesent want to be hurt and is afraid of feelings....she should stay at home and not walk out of the house.
Nothing i despise more than bitches who play games and drama queens.
At least in my case...i recieved justice...bitch got pregnant with the guy she was cheating with.....is not able to go to college like she had planned....lost all her freinds...boyfreind smacks her...doesent allow contact with freinds..is 20 with a minnimum wage job...living with parents....guy about to dump her.
Now that is karma....although i personally dont wish the bitch bad. Hope everything goes well and she has a good life.
Sory for the rant...man i needed to get that off my chest.
I dont touch any woman under 30 now.
If some women told me shes confused now..lmfao....i would laugh in her face.
Confused bitch? Realy ...well here is the door! Get the hell out..
When i used to be younger i used to get all raveled up in this....let a bitch bring my life to a crash. I asked questions like you.....thought about every single thing that happened...how it could be tied into another. Drove myself crazy..with anger, questions, jelousy. Its amazing how diferent things are when women can sense you dont put up with any crap/games etc, when you are steadfast.
Bro, Sounds like she doesent want you period. If she wanted you she would not be confused. I suggest you do it like in Seinfeld....go to a fancy restaurant......make it classy.....real classy..have her having a good time.
Then tell her out of the blue "its over "
Smile and leave without paying the check!
I find women 27+ are ussualy past the games etc. know what they want...how they want it...and are straitforward and DEFINATELY HAVE A SEX DRIVE!
Confused....believe me bro...no sane girl in the world who cares abvout you/loves you/remotely likes you will say she is confused......if a girl realy likes you she will do everything and anything to win you over.
So many women out there....find a new one.
"She also is not sure if she wants to be with me, She says she has way too many feelings too fast and doesn't wanna be hurt"


Tell her if she doesent want to be hurt and is afraid of feelings....she should stay at home and not walk out of the house.
Nothing i despise more than bitches who play games and drama queens.
At least in my case...i recieved justice...bitch got pregnant with the guy she was cheating with.....is not able to go to college like she had planned....lost all her freinds...boyfreind smacks her...doesent allow contact with freinds..is 20 with a minnimum wage job...living with parents....guy about to dump her.
Now that is karma....although i personally dont wish the bitch bad. Hope everything goes well and she has a good life.
Sory for the rant...man i needed to get that off my chest.
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