New member
Well went to the gym feeling tired, dehydrated and not very motivated but came away with 2 pr's.
Squats light exploding out of the hole. 2x4-315lbs. working on depth and explosion plus lower back was cramped up from a 250 mile Harley ride.
Leg press 4x10 550 narrow stance working on vastus support.
Iso-back rows warm up-200lbs.
1st set 300 x6
2nd set 500 x6
3rd set 800 x10 pr
4th set 500 x8
Hammer iso-pulldowns no warmups
1st set 300 x6
2nd set 500 x6
3rd set 700 x3 pr
4th set 300 x8
Skipped shrugs because of lower back tightness but not a bad workout all in all.
Squats light exploding out of the hole. 2x4-315lbs. working on depth and explosion plus lower back was cramped up from a 250 mile Harley ride.
Leg press 4x10 550 narrow stance working on vastus support.
Iso-back rows warm up-200lbs.
1st set 300 x6
2nd set 500 x6
3rd set 800 x10 pr
4th set 500 x8
Hammer iso-pulldowns no warmups
1st set 300 x6
2nd set 500 x6
3rd set 700 x3 pr
4th set 300 x8
Skipped shrugs because of lower back tightness but not a bad workout all in all.