Shit, thanks for telling me! I'll have my husband with me, he'll probably stick me the first few times until I get used to it, and I'll let him know.sounds good. Just be very careful reconstituting your Ipamorelin. You want the strength to be 100mcg per CC. Into each vial containing a 2mg wafer, you inject 20 CC's of bac water
Making it stronger than that, say 150 or even 200mcg per CC, I think makes it too hard to get your dose precise. Too much Ipa can very rapidly knock your blood glucose down too low and pardon my language fuck you up very quickly. First dose you might want to shoot only 50mcg just to gauge your sensitivity to the possible hypoglycemic effect of Ipa. IME though 100mcg is fine. I shot 400mcg one time and that was bad trouble. If I'd not had some honey within about 30 seconds of my reach I probably would've passed out.
I found a peptide calculator, I was going to rely on that. I won't shit you, the reconstitution factor was worrying me.