This stuff has become one of my favourite supplements now because it is so versatile. I have been taking it throughout the day now and it has proved to be very valuable helping me to keep muscle mass while cutting calories. (I've got down to 6% bodyfat now) I have been using it upon waking up, pre-workout, post-workout (along with a shake), and between almost all meals as well. Where it has saved my ass the most has been when on the road or in a rush where I have not had time to prepare a proper meal while I have been cutting. I'll just down a handful of them along with a good swig of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. (I drink that stuff straight out of the bottle now.... Have done this at a party while everyone else is boozing... talk about getting all the attention in the crowd... the women love it... It starts some interesting convos that usually end up with me getting an excuse to show my abs which always leads to good things)
Anyways enough rambling.... Brilliant product! End of Story! Thanks Nelson and Needto.