I used to get them really bad, and they seemed to be a result of a certain exercise. For example, after doing preacher curls very heavy for a long time, I got horrible forearm splints. In fact when I was done my set I would let go of the bar as slow as possible, because when letting go immeditely it would send a shooting pain through my forearms. I got off the preachers for a while, and they went right away. It may be the result of a specific exercise you are performing, and if that is the case try switching it up for a bit. There are numerous exercises one can perform for each bodypart that are very effective. So if you have to let one go for a little while in exchange for something that doesnt hurt, it really isnt the end of the world, in fact you may spark some new growth. Find out what is killing them, and I would take it easy on that lift for a while. I don't think there is any sense in "working through the pain."