yep, but before it gets moved... here's my intro, getting used to the diet, will add about 1/2 dozen eggs in a week or two, and some more protein and maybe some flax oil. anyway, here it is, currently:
Meal 1 - 4:30 am
1 bowl oatmeal
2 cups coffee /w cream no sugar
eas protein shake
total carbs - 35g
total fats - 5 g
total protein - 39 g
total calories - 334
Go to gym - 6:30 - 8:00 am
Meal 2 - 9:00 am
eas protein shake
1 bowl oatmeal
total carbs - 35g
total fats - 5g
total protein - 39g
total calories - 330
Meal 3 - 11:00 am
1 coca cola
2 packs easy mac - 1 can tuna
total carbs-125g
total fats- 11g
total protein- 42g
total calories - 760
Meal 4 - 2:00 PM
2 PB & J sandwiches
eas protein shakes
total carbs - 107g
total fats - 39g
tatol protein - 59g
total calories - 980
Meal 5 - 5:00 PM
Wife cooks this meal - unknown Carbs, Fats, Protein, and Calories, but usually well balanced
Meal 6 - 8:00 PM
eas protein shake
total carbs - 5g
total fats - 3g
total protein - 35g
total calories - 180
Totals for the day(minus meal 5)
carbs: 307g
fats: 63g
protein: 214g
calories: 2584
also, i drink about 100 -120 ounces of water a day, minus the water i consume at the gym. now guys, i think i'll go have my last meal, with an extra added piece of pie