you can use cardarine, creatine, natural supps from n2bm
just no hormones yet
you gotta start off with a gym membership and get on a good workout program
your diet is kiddie food. do you think the big dudes at your gym eat bagels and cereal? that is shit we ate when we were 12 years old. you want to be a man you eat muscle building foods
sweet potato, rice, chicken, fish, grassfed beef, pastured eggs, green veggies
you eat NONE OF THAT right now.
just no hormones yet
you gotta start off with a gym membership and get on a good workout program
your diet is kiddie food. do you think the big dudes at your gym eat bagels and cereal? that is shit we ate when we were 12 years old. you want to be a man you eat muscle building foods
sweet potato, rice, chicken, fish, grassfed beef, pastured eggs, green veggies
you eat NONE OF THAT right now.