No, this is not a troll.
I am new to these bodybuilding forums and I was under the impression steroids made it easier to workout so you can build muscle more easily. My training? Well I can barely do a push-up. As for my diet, I mean, I usually have cheerios, for lunch I usually have a bagel, and for dinner I usually eat anything, could be snacks, could be chicken, could be literally anything.
As I said, I am new to this, I don't really know where to start, I don't know what my diet should look like, etc.
I'm definitely willing to change it though, I just need to know what I should eat and when.
If you can barely do a pushup, you definitely need to leave steroids for later. These should be used by those who are already on a pretty high level, and hit a plateau, where their progression stops regardless of the effort put into this. So just train hard, and you will see how things will get progressively better, and you can get that kind of body in 6-8 months naturally without any problems.