All these benching pr's are makin me Jealous Had to skip benchind due to slightly hurting my pec while drinking (idiot i know). Im gonna have to try this arched stuff sunday :O
Oh yeah, you should definitely practice arching while benching without a shirt. Train the way you would lift in a meet. My arch is actually better without the shirt!
Honestly, I think I would've done just as well in the fury, and it certainly would've been easier to arch in. It's been a long time since I maxed out the 2 board, so the PR was kind of inevitable. I'm not sure if it was due to time, the arch, or the shirt...probably a combo.
What kind of belt do you use for bench? I used to use my regular comp. belt to hold the shirt, but could not arch well in it. I got this cheap, crappy two inch weightlifting belt and it seems to work sooo much better. Although, I feel like I'm being cut in half when I get locked in (makes my waist look exceptionally small!!)