New member
18...training since 15.....3 years of experience and you wanna juice it?? Y young brother??? Build your strength base and muscle over the next several years and do your research...on EVERYTHING. You know nothing about your body yet. And I mean that as nicely as I can. NOTHING. I used to personal train student athletes at a college and have seen so many athletes 18-21 who trained with me wanting advice on juicing for different reasons. Mostly trying to compete with what others looked like. Bro....you're getting fantastic results right now. Your body is gonna change so much in the next 7 years. Don't eff up now and throw off hormone levels when they're peaked out as is. Get your diet and rest and training down. Learn what works for you Bc I guarantee its gonna change quite alot in the next few years. Then peak out what youve got, use your gained knowledge, and hit the hormones later and surpass what u normally could. I have plenty of friends who juiced in their teens and now 12 years later, they look terrible Bc of it. Saggin man breasts are not scoring good looking women and theyre not even 30 yet :/