To find people's logs - you really just need to search the first 1-3 pages of the women's board and just look for the people's names. But here are the two mentioned:
*Bunny* -
One approach you can do to get started right now is say a 15-16 week run w/ winstrol (I HOPE you have tabs & not inject) & gh -- run now for 2 weeks -
- start at 5 mg ED (split 1/2 am & pm - winny has a 1/2 life of about 9 hrs - splittng it over the day evens out the dose spike)
- gh at 1 iu ED
No need to go big on any of this stuff.
Then after 2 weeks and assuming no bad sides from either compounds, up the winny to 10 mg ED, again split, and then run it for 15-ish weeks.
And any suggestions I make are subject to your promise to train balls to the wall and not get hung up about body fat right now - this is supposed to be bulk time so eat like you want to gain and lift like you want to gain. Don't get sloppy w/ the bodyfat but you need to gain some in order to gain some.
PLEASE continue to research this stuff esp to understand the potential sides. Typical sides w/ any AAS for women, and more so w/ winny because it is more androgenic than var and can tend to be very individual in its impact on women - i.e. if you get sick on it (similar to flu) or you don't like the sides you can either back down the dose (again you don't need to be aggressive w/ teh dose - even 5 mg is sufficient) or stop it.
Sides you can expect (and you should know this stuff...):
- interrupted period wihtin the first menstrual cycle of putting any aas into your body - remember just because you don't get the flow doesn't mean you can't get pregnant!!!
- include some anti-oxidants in your daily suppplements - r-ala,. grapeseed extract, etc.
- Tylers Liver Detox - never hurts
- acidophilus - it is not uncommon for women to get yeast infections or vaginosis when on a cycle - aas tends to throw off the balance of good & bad bacteria "down there".
- expect some acne
- possible bloat from the gh
- if you are eating a bulker diet, dont' be surprised if you start getting bulky - you'll be putting on some mass so be prepared. That's what you are trying to do. The cutter comes later.
- possible hair loss - winny is androgenic - increases the concentration of DHT in your system so each person's response will be different - you may or may not notice hair coming out -- you can use Nizoral (1%) shampoo every other day to help that - you can get it at most drugstores next to the dandruff shampoo.
- oily skin
- enlargement & increased sensitivity "down there" - dont freak - it goes away - its the girls who continually use & abuse steroids that are stuck w/ giving guys penis envy...
- sore joints -- winny is sort of notorious for drying out your joints. I think the dose is small enough it won't be an issue - but you always see the guys stacking it w/ deca or something to lube things a little (DONT STACK WITH DECA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
So my thought was that if you use what you have now - dont' stack it w/ anything else - just go low dose and see how you handle & like the results. Then give yourself at least 2 months off (stay on the gh if you have enough)
Then keep an eye out for some var & when you come up to 3 months out on your competition date you can run gh (1 iu ED) + var at 5 mg first 2 weeks and then up to 10 mg after that & thru your show to help cut & preserve muscle as you go.
And biggest caveat - make sure your target show is NOT TESTED or stated as NATURAL. That is the biggest thing - as much bullshit as this whole industry is w/ the drugs, at least have the consideration and sportsmanship to not cheat by using drugs and doing a show that is specifically marked as natural. I really consider that the bottom of the pile for integrity.
And like I said before - fitness is a LIFESTYLE, not prep for a single show. Do many shows and dont' set your goals only on a short term basis. That's what brings in these girls who want to juice immediately because its so dropdown dead important that they "win" the show they are doing in 3 months. How about spend some time sculpting & conditioning your body instead of forcing it to do something extreme for a one shot deal?
And if you are going to go thru all this trouble and have decided that its worth it to self-medicate w/ male hormones, how about schedule a couple shows to get the most out of all the work you've done as well as all the money you dumped into the suits and all the other bullshit that goes w/ competition?