I understand that, but I wonder if MOST GUYS would joke about fucking their own mothers... To many something like that is THAT disgusting, something you just don't joke about.
I know you dont have children. But think for a moment if you had a 14 year old sister, wouldn't you be offended if your buds joked about bending her over and giving it to her good?
I honestly believe that MOST YOUNG MEN are clueless as to just how disgusting that is because they are male and our minds work differently. Two young kids fumbling around in the dark exploring their sexuality is one thing. That is normal and natural part of growing up. But for AN ADULT to RE-ACT to the advances of a CHILD (and yes 14/15 is STILL a child... depending on the age of the older party even 16/17 is still technically waaaaaaaay too impressionable and inexperienced for the younger party to be a FULLY consenting party to a coupling).... THAT IS PLAIN WRONG and I wish that more young men would *get this*.
Depends on the age of the older party. If he/she is 21 then we are splitting hairs. If he/she is in his/her 30's then the older party is mentally/emotionally challenged if he/she doesn't *get it* that he/she should be satisfied that this young hot chick/dewd digs him/her and for him/her to act is really a poor reflection on HIM/HER.
And you quit splitting hairs.... you know damned well what I am talking about.
Depends on the age of the older party. If he/she is 21 then we are splitting hairs. If he/she is in his/her 30's then the older party is mentally/emotionally challenged if he/she doesn't *get it* that he/she should be satisfied that this young hot chick/dewd digs him/her and for him/her to act is really a poor reflection on HIM/HER.
And you quit splitting hairs.... you know damned well what I am talking about.
damn 10 is pretty young to be knocking it out
still though, at 10 if presented with tang i woulda knocked it out
i doubt the naughty teach had to force him to do it and that's why the double standard exists.
seems like most man to girl molestors have you use physical force and coercin
wimmen to boy molestors don't have to, the boys are down.