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FBI, CIA, and Pentagon had EXPLICIT foreknowledge of Sept 11th Attacks...

Frackal, Frackal, Frackal...

I understand that your little child mind likes to wonder and think of all the things that could possibly happen.. Nothing wrong with that, kids do it all the time.

One day you will wake up and not be a little boy anymore.. You will realize that blaming your own government (a democracy) for supporting terrorism against its own people, in this day and age when a president cant even get a blow job with out the whole world knowing about it, is completely rediculous and overly paranoid..

Kid, you've seen too many episodes of the X files...
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You have so much wool over your eyes it's no surprise you spend your weekends with your head up a sheep's ass.

Dude you're not even that fun to argue with. It must be hard having a skull filled with the equivalent of 10 jelly dildos.

How old are you anyway. KIDDD
big4life said:
Knowing that "something" is going to happen and knowing the specifics are two seperate things.

People need to realize that the government receives threats and then they have to evaluate these threats. Are they crediable? Are they specific? They have to make the call whether there is a real threat or not.

Yes, but if the terrorist threat received by Pentagon officials was neither crediable or specific why would they cancel all their travel plans for sept 11th??

If a threat is crediable, but lacks specifics, the Pentagon probably would have issued an interagency wide alert, because they LACKED specifics as to who, where, when, and how the expected threat was to be carried out. What else could Pentagon officials do if they LACKED THE SPECIFICS of a possible future terrorist attack???

If the threat was specific but not crediable, Pentagon officials would not have cancelled their travel plans for sept 11th. You said yourself the US government recieves numerous terrorist threats daily. Do you think Pentagon officials cancel their travel plans upon recieving every crank threat??

But we can deduce from the Pentagons cancellation of their sept 11th travel plans, the warning was *crediable* (or else travel plans would not have been cancelled), and *specific* --- ALL AIR TRAVEL PLANS were cancelled ON sept 11th. Indicating a DATE AND POSSIBLE TRANSPORTATION MEDIUM associated with the anticipated terrorist attack.

And this is within the context of numerous other terrorist warnings forwarded to the FBI and CIA MONTHS prior to sept 11th.

Your response suggests all warnings received by the FBI and CIA prior to sept 11th somehow lacked complete crediability, even though many predicted with striking accuracy the actual events which took place on sept 11th.

Read that sentance again if you dont understand how completely irrational that asseration sounds.

If you want to believe your government received no CREDIABLE information indicating a massive terrorist attack was to be launched on US soil in Sept 2001, I challenge you to explain the following articles:

1) "Through much of the summer, Tenet [Director of CIA] had grown increasingly troubled by the prospect of a major terrorist attack against the United States... Everywhere he went, the message was the same: Something big is coming... The previous month [Aug 2001], the FBI has asked the CIA and the National Security Agency to run phone traces on Moussaoui [the missing 20th hijacker on Sept 11], already the subject of a five-inch-thick file in the bureau..."

2) “intelligence had been streaming in concerning a likely Al Qaeda attack. ‘It all came together in the third week in June [2001],’ Clarke said. ‘The C.I.A.'s view was that a major terrorist attack was coming in the next several weeks.’ On July 5th, Clarke summoned all the domestic security agencies—the Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Customs, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the F.B.I.—and told them to increase their security in light of an impending attack.”
The New Yorker, Issue of January 14, 2002:

Article 2 would satisfy many individuals definition of a crediable and specific threat. Obviously if the CIA headed an interdepartmental joint task force aimed at foiling an 'impending' Al Queda terrorist attack, the threat would satisfy the condition of CREDIABILITY.

Article 2 satifies two conditions of 4 which determine the specificity of any threat:

1) who - Al Queda operatives
2) when - "impending attacks", "next several weeks"
3) where - preceeding article gives no indication
4) how - preceeding article gives no indication

Considering other warnings by the Isreali, Russian, and German intelligence agencies which blantedly spelled out AL Queda operatives were planning to highjack civilian aircraft in sept 2001 and ram them into prominent US landmarks --- the FBI and CIA COMPLETELY DISCREDITED THOSE WARNINGS?!?! EVEN AFTER THE CIA AND FBI HAD MET IN JULY AND WERE LIKELY SHARING INTELLIGENCE TO FOIL THE 'IMPENDING' AL QUEDA TERRORIST PLOT??!

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Steroid_Virgin said:

You will realize that blaming your own government (a democracy) for supporting terrorism against its own people, in this day and age when a president cant even get a blow job with out the whole world knowing about it, is completely rediculous and overly paranoid..

By your logic, Bush haulting the FBI's investigation into the Bin Laden families American terrorist network prior to sept 11th, shouldve incited MASSIVE American media coverage:

"After the elections[Presidential, American], the agencies were told to "back off" investigating the Bin Ladens and Saudi royals, and that angered agents"

"FBI and military intelligence officials in Washington say they were prevented for political reasons from carrying out full investigations into members of the Bin Laden family in the US before the terrorist attacks of September 11.",4273,4293682,00.html

But guess what?!? It did. Everywhere except north America.

And how about Halliburtons 73 million dollars worth of contracts to the Iraqi government while self proclaimed 'tough on terror' Cheney was acting CEO??

"After Cheney was named in 1995 to head Halliburton, he promised to maintain a hard line against Baghdad."

"...Halliburton held stakes in two firms that signed contracts to sell more than $73 million in oil production equipment and spare parts to Iraq while Cheney was chairman and chief executive officer of the Dallas-based company."

That was hardly addressed by the American press.

Your right, Americans live in a democractic country and usually have access to a wide range of independant, media agencies which report Government action. Unfortunately, most Americans would rather distract themselves with trivial issues like Clintons dick sucking escapades and watching smart bombs explode on 'bad guys', then asking pentrating, intelligent questions which may undermine their preconcieved notions of how the US government really operates.
i knew all along after 9-11 that they knew before.

the negotiations with the taliban that took place about 1.5 year prior to the attack were aired on a french channel and a shitload of other nationalities channels.

basically they offered them a rather rediculous sum of money to put pipelines through their land to transport russian oil to the mediterranean so it can be shipped to the usa.

this would involve military bases being set up to defend these etc.

when they didn`t agree it was pretty clear the usa would invade afghanistan on the name of human rights, get a western favouring regime in there and get what they want anyway.
no way to make friends of course and this is what happened. im ot sure if they explicitly knew that it would be a plane attack let alone on the wtc tho.
buddy28 said:

My Government is guilty of violating civilian rights.

Opening and reading civilian mail for over 20 years. RCMP raiding and falsifying information for the purpose defamying National Opposition parties.


Not quite as bad as the US Government though. The issue isnt whether my Government (Canadian) is better then the US Government, its that your Government and mine are comprised of PEOPLE who are corruptable.

Theres a distinction between the idea of a state, and the Government which perpetuates the states existence. The 'idea' of America is nothing more than that. An idea. A concept. An ideology. The Government which supports the perpetuation of that ideology, are comprised of people, who are corruptable....

Yeah, it figures. Another jealous Canadian. I guess I'd be envious too if I lived in a vast, desolate country that happens to border the greatest country on the planet!
Frackal said:
You have so much wool over your eyes it's no surprise you spend your weekends with your head up a sheep's ass.

Dude you're not even that fun to argue with. It must be hard having a skull filled with the equivalent of 10 jelly dildos.

How old are you anyway. KIDDD

Next you'll be telling me the government is hiding aliens, perpetual motion exists but is being stymied by big auto, drug manafacturers have cures for cancer but wont release them do to loss of long term profits, the CIA killed JFK, and santa clause really comes down your chimney...

who's the moron frack??

Ooooh look out dude.. the illuminati is out there watching you... Oooohhhh... dumb ass..
Robert Jan said:
i knew all along after 9-11 that they knew before.

the negotiations with the taliban that took place about 1.5 year prior to the attack were aired on a french channel and a shitload of other nationalities channels.

basically they offered them a rather rediculous sum of money to put pipelines through their land to transport russian oil to the mediterranean so it can be shipped to the usa.

this would involve military bases being set up to defend these etc.

when they didn`t agree it was pretty clear the usa would invade afghanistan on the name of human rights, get a western favouring regime in there and get what they want anyway.
no way to make friends of course and this is what happened. im ot sure if they explicitly knew that it would be a plane attack let alone on the wtc tho.

Youre right.....and you know what......that Strongchick, posted that the EXACT same thing that WE were over in Afghanistan, negotiating over oil, and pipelines....and a good Majority of members flamed her to hell for a conspiracy theory......

of course she fanned the flames by inplying that our government KNEW about the attacks beforehand.....check the archives.....

Well, a couple of nights ago, a documentary was done on the pipeline plans of ours thru southeast Asia, they had Cheney on video, and even had the Unocal company pipeline stuff there it's only a matter of time before we start building thru one or more of those countries.......this administration is all about lining their whatever it takes........
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