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FBI, CIA, and Pentagon had EXPLICIT foreknowledge of Sept 11th Attacks...


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1) Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA of large-scale terror

"By David Wastell in Washington and Philip Jacobson in Jerusalem
(Filed: 16/09/2001)
ISRAELI intelligence officials say that they warned their counterparts in the United States last month that large-scale terrorist attacks on highly visible targets on the American mainland were imminent.
The attacks on the World Trade Centre's twin towers and the Pentagon were humiliating blows to the intelligence services, which failed to foresee them, and to the defence forces of the most powerful nation in the world, which failed to deflect them.
The Telegraph has learnt that two senior experts with Mossad, the Israeli military intelligence service, were sent to Washington in August to alert the CIA and FBI to the existence of a cell of as many of 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation."

2) Mossad warned CIA of attacks - report

"By Douglas Davis
LONDON (September 17) - Mossad officials traveled to Washington last month to warn the CIA and the FBI that a cell of up to 200 terrorists was planning a major operation, according to a report in the Sunday Telegraph here yesterday. "

3) Egyptian president says he warned America of an attack before
Sept. 11.
Associated Press

"8 December 2001
Associated Press
BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak says he warned the United States that "something would happen" 12 days before the Sept. 11 terror attacks on New York and Washington."

4) Germany - On September 14, the German newspaper
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported that "U.S. and
Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals at least
three months ago that Middle eastern terrorists were planning
to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important
symbols of American and Israeli culture."

According to a report filed by the Post-Newsweek information service,
"The FAZ, quoting unnamed German Intelligence sources, said that
the Echelon spy network was being used to collect information
about the terrorist threats, and that U.K. intelligence services
apparently also had advance warning. The FAZ, one of Germany's
most respected dailies, said that even as far back as six months
ago, western and near-east press services were receiving
information that such attacks were being  planned. "Within
the American intelligence community, the warnings were taken
seriously and surveillance intensified"

NOTE: Echelon is a highly secret technical intelligence gathering
system used to monitor worldwide communications and coordinated
in the U.S. by the National Security Agency. Participating countries,
who eavesdrop on the citizens of the other member countries -- to
avoid civil restrictions preventing governments from spying on their
own citizens -- then pool and share their information. Participating
countries include the U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Great
Britain and Germany. The eavesdropping covers both telephone
and email communications.

5) June 2001 - German intelligence, the BND, warns the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists are "planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture." [Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 14, 2001.]

6) Summer 2001 - Russian intelligence notifies the CIA that 25
terrorist pilots have been specifically training for suicide missions.
This is reported in the Russian press and news stories are translated
for FTW by a retired CIA officer.

7) 14. August 2001 - Russian President Vladimir Putin orders
Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government "in the strongest
possible terms" of imminent attacks on airports and government
buildings. [Source: MS-NBC interview with Putin, September 15.]


1) 1) U.S. warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack

"September 18, 2001 Posted: 1:54 PM EDT (1754 GMT)
By Maria Ressa
CNN Correspondent

MANILA, Philippines (CNN) -- The FBI was warned six years ago of a terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes and slam them into the Pentagon, the CIA headquarters and other buildings, Philippine investigators told CNN.

Philippine authorities learned of the plot after a small fire in a Manila apartment, which turned out to be the hideout of Ramzi Yousef, who was later convicted for his role in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Yousef escaped at the time, but agents caught his right-hand man, Abdul Hakim Murad, who told them a chilling tale.

"Murad narrated to us about a plan by the Ramzi cell in the continental U.S. to hijack a commercial plane and ram it into the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and also the Pentagon," said Rodolfo Mendoza, a Philippine intelligence investigator.

Philippine investigators also found evidence targeting commercial towers in San Francisco, Chicago and New York City.

They said they passed that information on to the FBI in 1995, but it's not clear what was done with it.

.......(Murad) was principally recruited by Yousef's group and *bin Laden's* group to undertake a suicide mission," said Avelino Razon, superintendent for the Philippine National Police.

Yousef was eventually caught in Pakistan and brought to New York for trial. He was sentenced to life in prison. Murad is also serving a life sentence."

2) FBI Knew Terrorists Were Using Flight Schools

"Federal authorities have been aware for years that suspected terrorists with ties to Osama bin Laden were receiving flight training at schools in the United States and abroad, according to interviews and court testimony."

3) Eagan flight trainer wouldn't let unease about Moussaoui rest

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- When a Twin Cities flight instructor phoned the FBI last August to alert the agency that a terrorist might be taking lessons to fly a jumbo jet, he did it in a dramatic way:

"Do you realize how serious this is?" the instructor asked an FBI agent. "This man wants training on a 747. A 747 fully loaded with fuel could be used as a weapon!"

4) Hijack Plot Suspicions Raised With FBI in Aug.

"Washington Post
January 2, 2002:
An FBI agent and a Minnesota flight school official discussed the possibility that alleged terrorist conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui was part of a hijacking plot before the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington, according to a letter obtained by The Washington Post.”  

5) The New Yorker, Issue of January 14, 2002:

“intelligence had been streaming in concerning a likely Al Qaeda attack. ‘It all came together in the third week in June [2001],’ Clarke said. ‘The C.I.A.'s view was that a major terrorist attack was coming in the next several weeks.’ On July 5th, Clarke summoned all the domestic security agencies—the Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Customs, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the F.B.I.—and told them to increase their security in light of an impending attack.”


1) “NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill.”  
‘We’ve Hit the Targets’, Michael Hirsh, Newsweek, September 13, 2001 issue

2) "On Sept. 10.... a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."
Newsweek 24 September 2001
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If it is true, then it is a said state of affairs. Like i said, we need to throw out all of our government officials. I think almost all of them are shady fuckers. I will be the new president, and i will straighten shit out. John Ashcroft will be the second in command.

Johny Juice and Johny Ashcroft for Government!!
Still, an attack this size was highly unexpectable.

By the way: how are things at WTC today? I tried to find some info from, but all I came up was info about donations and monuments. Is it still a wreckage or has the junk been moved away?
BigBazooka said:

By the way: how are things at WTC today? I tried to find some info from, but all I came up was info about donations and monuments. Is it still a wreckage or has the junk been moved away?

BigBazooka said:
Still, an attack this size was highly unexpectable.

Then how do you explain this:

1) “NEWSWEEK has learned that while U.S. intelligence received no specific warning, the
state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and a particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon brass to cancel a trip. Why that same information was not available to the 266 people who died aboard the four hijacked commercial aircraft may become a hot topic on the Hill.”  
‘We’ve Hit the Targets’, Michael Hirsh, Newsweek, September 13, 2001 issue

2) "On Sept. 10.... a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."
Newsweek 24 September 2001

I am more inclined to believe that it WAS allowed to happen at some level by the government. This has happened many times before, American government (and others I'm sure) have allowed or even engineered tragedies <sp> to garner support for whatever they want. Don't believe they would let something this big happen? See Pearl Harbour.
Frackal said:
I am more inclined to believe that it WAS allowed to happen at some level by the government. This has happened many times before, American government (and others I'm sure) have allowed or even engineered tragedies <sp> to garner support for whatever they want.

Completely agree frackel. Planned attacks on domestic populations or governing installations have probably occured since the inception of modern humanity to engender indigenous support for a unwanted conflict. Its great military strategy, however immoral.

So if this type of act probably occured repeatedly in the past, why would Americans be reluctant to believe their current government would activily support an analgous strategy?

1) The current system of government would require several highranking US Government officials to exhibit some degree of complicity with the alledged 'conspiracy'. The larger the conspired event, the more high ranking officials required to conpire and activily participate in a coverup = decrease probability such an event could occur

2) nationalism. Most americans would never WANT to beleive in the face of objective data their government could EVER conspire to subject domestic or foreign populations to threatening events which contravene their nations ideals.

The first asseration the United States Goverment could not conspire to further attacks against domestic populations due to improbable number of highranking US government officials required to exhibit complicity in such an event was refuted by a previously classified document created by the Joint Cheifs of Staff under JFK Administration which suggested, among other things, fabricating a 'Cuban' terrorist attack against a major US city to engender domestic support for a US military armed invasion of Cuba:
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