Re: **Fact** You can predict the texture of a girls Vadge by looking at the plumpnes
stilleto said:
i have big lips. not angeline jolie lips, but big.
and I do not have a floppy vag, although it was a joke that if he were to buy me coffee, he'd find that out.
Hey I for one like the looks of the plump camel toe lips. Have no idea if that makes for a better texture or more friction as I have not been with a woman with the camel toe. However, i can say that a pair of nice camel toe lips gives my tongue a hard on!!! Those lips are just screaming for whipped cream and look like a desert fit for a king to me!!!
For some one who is not near as experinced as some of the man sluts on EF, does the size and plumpness of the outer labia make that much difference?
It seems to me that the vag can still be tight even if the lips are big and plump, but the big floppy inner labia must be an acquired taste???