actually, hammer curls target the brachialis primarily. as for how this exercise does anything for BICEP length....
maybe the illusion is there, but the muscle is unchanged.
as for lat specific exercises for the "lower" lats....just keep making them bigger, some guys start out with real "high" lats and as the thickness develops it will fill in. alot of it is origin/insertion and overall thickness.
yup thats it. some poeple were born wid high lats, but even the worst cases, if you work them and cause them to grow wider, eventually they will create the illusion that they're much lower. so dont sweat it man. just keep working hard
i kno that when i was doing a lot of pushups, my lower lats grew like weeds. i find the pulldown target my upper lats, and to get the lower ones i hit load of pushups,,,, just my experience
I don't meen to me a dink... but your not fuckin serious are you? LOL...
I Havnt done hammer curls for at least 3 years and my bis connect right at my elbow joint... Guess I must be blessed??"?
Now... my lats hide behind my wide rib cage and make me look like a block.. how can i bring them out??? Make them bigger? What? no specific excericise to make them stick out wider? Damnit.. somebody toss me a bottle of something... Im done with this shit
focus more on your triceps, rear delts and less on biceps, chest, and front delt and the definition that you're looking for will slowly but surely evolve.
i didn't get fired up over the fact we disagreed, it was the way you said it, like i was some kind of moron. Don't be so cocky in your replies, especially when theyre wrong. Voice your opinion, but don't pepper it with the attitude, dood