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This maybe a strange question, but here it goes. For the past 9 days or so I have been urinating at an alarming rate. I mean like once every hour and a half and at very high volume. I was not too concerned about this at first, I thought maybe I was just holdng some water and my body decided it needed to go. I started out at 193 (carbed up so I was probably holding a little water) and this morning I got on the scale and weight 180!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I eat 4000 (lost power for three days so the calorie numbers maybe off a little, but not by a lot) cals a day, there is no way I should be losing this much weight. During the power outage caused by the hurricane I did drink more beer than usual, but that was only for three days. I have been on and off low carb diets for two years, for the past 10 days I have been at my current calorie level. If I had lowered my carb level I would understand it, but I have actually increased the number of carbs I eat by 90 a day. No extra cardio, no new supplements, same food I have been eating for months, just at a higher calorie level. I drink a gallon of water a day, that has not changed. When I wake up my mouth is incredibly dry, but I do not show any other signs of dehydration. diabetes is a thought, but I would think at this carb level it would not cause this severe a symptom. Before you say it I have a doc appoinment, but due to the hurricane he is busy as sh*t. I cannot get in there until next Thursday, and at this rate I will be 170 by then
. Anyone have any ideas?