Thanks Fit Fossil. I thank you for showing me that web site becuase there is a lot of usefull info on there. I just feel so out of place because most of the women on there are older than me and I feel like a FREAK of nature.
Yes my doctor is really great. He's actually my hubbys doctor too. My husband called him and made an appointment for me because the OB/GYN I went to never even got back to me with results of my hormone test; so obviously my problem was not too serious in his eyes.
Sorry to ramble, just had to vent a bit. It sucks feeling "broken". I'm thankful I have such a great husband. He's been very patient with me. and I'm thankful for the helpful people on Elite!! Y'all are the greatest.
Yes my doctor is really great. He's actually my hubbys doctor too. My husband called him and made an appointment for me because the OB/GYN I went to never even got back to me with results of my hormone test; so obviously my problem was not too serious in his eyes.
Sorry to ramble, just had to vent a bit. It sucks feeling "broken". I'm thankful I have such a great husband. He's been very patient with me. and I'm thankful for the helpful people on Elite!! Y'all are the greatest.