I would stay away from any drugs etc - It's totally in your head. It will take a little time but it will pass. It may take a couple of experiences or people but it will pass
absense of Morning Wood (notice the reverential capitalization) common in Depression - so its not just physchological but physical.
try some tyrosine (amino acid) and/or phenlyalanine, omega-3's, high doses whey protein (raises serotonin levels to give anti-depressive effect) to rebalance your depleted brain chemicals. THEN STOP STRSSING AND OBSESSING or you'll just burn tru your bain cheicals and get right back to where you are now.
Yo bro, off and on going through the same shit....I have to stress to get my cock hard....and I tried banging a chick while my mind was fucked up and it didn't work out (for the first time ever) and it fucked me up even more! But I'm coming around just as you will! It's time....try some natural L-Arginine