I talked to Spats about this last night but wanted to throw this one out to the board as well as perhaps there is something else going on here that needs to be taken care of. My son is 20, has been seriously weight training for 4 years. He works construction and does a good bit of roller blading so he is cardiovascularly in good shape. We have talked about gear and I am pretty certain he isn't on any. He has been using a good bit of ephedra in an ECA stack preworkout for quite some time. He started working with a trainer a couple of weeks ago that really jacked the intensity of his workouts,
He called last night and said that he had a throbbing headache. Apparently the last three times he has gone to the gym he gets about half way thru and will be in the middle of a set and he says that it feels like someone hits him in the back of the head with a baseball bat and the pain is so intense that he has to stop. It continues for several hours after he gets home. Other than working out he is not having them. He is good about water so I don't think it is dehydration - he said he was drinking as much as he could hold last night trying to get rid of it.
My first thought is that this is a blood pressure related headache from the eca. Do you have any other ideas? I personally have issues with ephedra - think you might as well get some speed as IMO it is the same thing so maybe I am overreacting a bit.
He called last night and said that he had a throbbing headache. Apparently the last three times he has gone to the gym he gets about half way thru and will be in the middle of a set and he says that it feels like someone hits him in the back of the head with a baseball bat and the pain is so intense that he has to stop. It continues for several hours after he gets home. Other than working out he is not having them. He is good about water so I don't think it is dehydration - he said he was drinking as much as he could hold last night trying to get rid of it.
My first thought is that this is a blood pressure related headache from the eca. Do you have any other ideas? I personally have issues with ephedra - think you might as well get some speed as IMO it is the same thing so maybe I am overreacting a bit.