well testurday i was having some pain in my elbow on my right arm. i blew it off and went on with my day. last night around midnight i woke up and i couldnt beleive the pain in my arm. i had shooting pians up and down my arm from traps to finger tips. i couldnt get back to sleep the rest of the night no matter what i did my arm wouldnt stop hurting. so i got up and went to doc. the doc told me well it seems its in your elbow you may have tendonitis, wait 10 days see if it still hurts if so we will do an mri. anyone else have tendonitis or a good way to rehab and elbow since doctor being dumb and said just dont use it but i am a mechanic so i have to use it. and to top it off i got my tire last night and now i cant use it