New member
So this is my first cycle. I'm on 600mg test cyp (200mg 3x wk), 50mg Proviron ED, 0.5mg Adex EOD. This is week seven.
Diet is super clean. Loads of beef, lamb, greens, sweet potato carb back loads evening, adjusted daily based on hunger, bloat, and power in the gym. No junk.
I know I need to get labs, but living in Japan as a foreigner makes such things difficult and you don't even want to know how much it costs here to get a private clinic to do it. No online testing companies here.
During the first week I eased into it with 400mg test and Prov only. I didn't use the Adex. I blew up like a balloon! Ankles swollen, moon face. Nips got sore. Added Adex 0.5 EOD, same since.
Bloat never really went away, just decreased to acceptable level. Still fluctuated a bit. Nips eventually settled down, though on three occasions I popped 40mg of Nolvadex to arrest it; I didn't want to use SERM on cycle, but for emergency management it worked. Libido was exceptional, hardness, loads, desire, everything. Night wood has been every night for hours, like sleeping with broomstick. Gains were a watery 10 kilo by last week.
Week 5 added Masteron 100mg 3x WK. I know it's too many things first cycle. I was impatient. Figured Masteron was synergistic with the test and not heavy like tren or dbol on top.
After first Masteron shot, libio went thru the roof. Masturbation that day I was so hard I could feel it all the way back to my perineum. Never been so hard. Nice to know vascularly, Im quite healthy!
Then, for the next two weeks libido and masturbation enjoyment went flat. No change in Adex, test, or prov. I could masterbate, orgasm, stay hard, but not as powerful and didn't have the urge. Also, that happy-good-mood, confident feeling I'd had on test flat lined too. Not depressed, just flat. Night sweats on Masteron were intense! No change in body or head hair. No change in joints. Little change in bloat. But, STRENGTH at the gym went WAY UP. I LOVE Masteron.
Some advised that I'd pushed my estrogen too LOW with the Adex, prov, and masteron, and libido was suffering accordingly. This made sense logically. Yet, I was still fighting the battle with continuous bloat and water weight, suggesting estrogen was still in fact HIGH. My sodium
otassium is spot on. I don't naturally retain water off cycle. So I stopped the Masteron after 2 weeks of use (end of last week).
I also doubled my ADEX for the last two doses, to 1mg EOD. I've had two test 200mg shots during this time. Prov unchanged, no masteron.
RESULTS: In the 5 days since doubling Adex, these things have been pronounced:
-I've dropped 3+ kilos of water weight!
-My libido has been DESTROYED.
-Night woods have vanished totally.
-My load volume has decreased two fold and become watery
-I can barely get hard with my usual porn, never get very hard, and get soft with minimal distraction.
So what the hell may be going on, more experienced folks?
Obviously the big Adex increase killed my estrogen dead. But, how had my estrogen dropped too low before (due to the masteron addition), if I still had so much bloat? Is it possible to react to test with excessive bloat when estrogen IS NOT HIGH?
It would seem I should half my original Adex dose to .25 E3D. Or none. My bloat is gonna return with a vengeance. But hopefully so will my libido.
Is it natural and normal for loads to dry up and hard on's to become flaccid as a cycle continues, when the testicles are atrophying? Does anyone remain able to be really horny, really hard, and have full loads throughout a cycle even as atrophy sets in?
I am planning to do a 1000iu 3x wk HCG blast for one or two weeks to get things awake, then stop, then a full on blast 1000iu EOD(or 500iu ED) for 20 days after cycle, before PCT. Also planning now to cut Adex in the opposite direction to .25mg E3D. Frankly I'd love to cut Adex entirely and just use Masteron, as my lifts miss it, but bloat may kill me.
I must admit, having my cum loads become a paltry and pathetic trickle and hardness diminish greatly has me scared and put off frankly. If this is the natural course during a steroid cycle, I'll pass. If I've screwed something up an this can be rectified and set back on course, I'm inclined to continue. That's where you good folks come in. If this doesn't change though, frankly, I want to come off.
Constructive thoughts guys?
Diet is super clean. Loads of beef, lamb, greens, sweet potato carb back loads evening, adjusted daily based on hunger, bloat, and power in the gym. No junk.
I know I need to get labs, but living in Japan as a foreigner makes such things difficult and you don't even want to know how much it costs here to get a private clinic to do it. No online testing companies here.
During the first week I eased into it with 400mg test and Prov only. I didn't use the Adex. I blew up like a balloon! Ankles swollen, moon face. Nips got sore. Added Adex 0.5 EOD, same since.
Bloat never really went away, just decreased to acceptable level. Still fluctuated a bit. Nips eventually settled down, though on three occasions I popped 40mg of Nolvadex to arrest it; I didn't want to use SERM on cycle, but for emergency management it worked. Libido was exceptional, hardness, loads, desire, everything. Night wood has been every night for hours, like sleeping with broomstick. Gains were a watery 10 kilo by last week.
Week 5 added Masteron 100mg 3x WK. I know it's too many things first cycle. I was impatient. Figured Masteron was synergistic with the test and not heavy like tren or dbol on top.
After first Masteron shot, libio went thru the roof. Masturbation that day I was so hard I could feel it all the way back to my perineum. Never been so hard. Nice to know vascularly, Im quite healthy!
Then, for the next two weeks libido and masturbation enjoyment went flat. No change in Adex, test, or prov. I could masterbate, orgasm, stay hard, but not as powerful and didn't have the urge. Also, that happy-good-mood, confident feeling I'd had on test flat lined too. Not depressed, just flat. Night sweats on Masteron were intense! No change in body or head hair. No change in joints. Little change in bloat. But, STRENGTH at the gym went WAY UP. I LOVE Masteron.
Some advised that I'd pushed my estrogen too LOW with the Adex, prov, and masteron, and libido was suffering accordingly. This made sense logically. Yet, I was still fighting the battle with continuous bloat and water weight, suggesting estrogen was still in fact HIGH. My sodium

I also doubled my ADEX for the last two doses, to 1mg EOD. I've had two test 200mg shots during this time. Prov unchanged, no masteron.
RESULTS: In the 5 days since doubling Adex, these things have been pronounced:
-I've dropped 3+ kilos of water weight!
-My libido has been DESTROYED.
-Night woods have vanished totally.
-My load volume has decreased two fold and become watery
-I can barely get hard with my usual porn, never get very hard, and get soft with minimal distraction.
So what the hell may be going on, more experienced folks?
Obviously the big Adex increase killed my estrogen dead. But, how had my estrogen dropped too low before (due to the masteron addition), if I still had so much bloat? Is it possible to react to test with excessive bloat when estrogen IS NOT HIGH?
It would seem I should half my original Adex dose to .25 E3D. Or none. My bloat is gonna return with a vengeance. But hopefully so will my libido.
Is it natural and normal for loads to dry up and hard on's to become flaccid as a cycle continues, when the testicles are atrophying? Does anyone remain able to be really horny, really hard, and have full loads throughout a cycle even as atrophy sets in?
I am planning to do a 1000iu 3x wk HCG blast for one or two weeks to get things awake, then stop, then a full on blast 1000iu EOD(or 500iu ED) for 20 days after cycle, before PCT. Also planning now to cut Adex in the opposite direction to .25mg E3D. Frankly I'd love to cut Adex entirely and just use Masteron, as my lifts miss it, but bloat may kill me.
I must admit, having my cum loads become a paltry and pathetic trickle and hardness diminish greatly has me scared and put off frankly. If this is the natural course during a steroid cycle, I'll pass. If I've screwed something up an this can be rectified and set back on course, I'm inclined to continue. That's where you good folks come in. If this doesn't change though, frankly, I want to come off.
Constructive thoughts guys?
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