Okay. So I planned on staying in last night. I watched that movie "Hatchet" I was chilling with my pacifico. Then my friends convinced me to go to a lingerie party haha. So this strawberry blondish-redhead comes up to my friend and dances with him, then flirts with him and cuffs him to her with those pink handcuffs. THEN my boy decides he wants to get at this really hawt light skinned black girl (her roommate). BUT the girl "doesn't have the key" lmao! Basically my bro asks me to be his wingman and flirt with the redhead so she'll undo the cuffs (he's convinced she really does know where the key is.) So I oblige. The redhead is actually feeling me. lol. I'm not a big fan of dancing especially @ a party, opposed to a club. Basically we're all sitting off on the side, I start making out with the redhead. And I try and coax her to get the key so we can get out of there (together). Then she is like "I really lost the key....omgaw this is so embarrassing"

So somehow we drunkenly convince the 2 girls that we'll all go back to their place. I start making out with the fire crotch. My friend with the other girl. Basically we all fuck in one bed. (no homo) haha. Then we switched and got head. lmao. Was this a good bro move? ....I think so...
p.s. Turns out her roommate stole the key from her thinking it was funny haha.