Here I though it was only me, I have run the gamet and tried every person in my GYM, no matter what I do, no matter what I say they touch the bar.
I tell people if you touch the bar your getting slapped or dont even put your hands near it, the only reason I want a spotter is "JUST IN CASE" exactly what the first post said, when I tell you "help me" thats when you help, even when I am on the last struggling rep, its the struggle that builds and reaches deep into your reserves and that when the geniuses of the spotting world jump in. Oh yeah my cheesy $500 a year GYM decided to get ridof the Power Rack because I was the only on using it, no one else. Honestly, once you take the power rack out you turn the "GYM" into a "Fitness Center" now its Queer heaven in there.
Cant wait to buy a house and a damn power rack thats it...............
Natural Mike