...or the heavy stuff crams the callouses against your fingers, and when you set the weight down, the pain of them squishing back into place leaves you unable to completely reopen your hand.
...or the heavy stuff crams the callouses against your fingers, and when you set the weight down, the pain of them squishing back into place leaves you unable to completely reopen your hand.
I think this is a key point. Train like you compete.
I wear gloves when I workout. No straps or hooks. (Except for power shrugs. I wear straps for those.) I also do not compete. (I would like to add as well that I have finally "weened" myself from a belt.)
One question: How do gloves assist your grip? I don't see them as an assistance. I wear them for comfort.
Joker, I think you answered your own question. If the gloves increase comfort, you might be able to hold on longer, and not drop the bar from pain and discomfort.
Joker, I think you answered your own question. If the gloves increase comfort, you might be able to hold on longer, and not drop the bar from pain and discomfort.
Is that bad thing then? If they are not assisting you by helping hold the bar like straps or hooks, I would think it would help assist in gaining grip strength. The longer you can hold the bar, the greater your grip strength becomes. Am I totally wrong in this line of thinking?
Understand I am not putting either way down by any means. Just trying to understand why some people are SO against them.