I joined the military at 16 (UK) and most of my friends in there were much older and wiser than me and were all doing steroids at the time. Me being a dumb 18 year old was convinced by one of my 'friends' probably trying to make a few £ off me to do a course/cycle. I accepted because this lad assured me that there would be no side effects and I believed him as if he were some sort of doctor. Anyway, it's been 5 years since then and I always have it in the back of my head that I was somehow screwed over by this one cycle I did and I wanted to ask people who seemed more knowledgeable on the subject about it. Do you think it is likely that I have effected my body permanently? The cycle I did was pretty stupid. I was injecting 1ml to 2ml per week of test E 250mg, I was not taking or even aware of any oestrogen inhibitors or anything like that and high oestrogen is probably not optimal for an 18 year old but I didn't get 'bitch tits' and also, I didn't do any pct at all and the funniest part about this is that I didn't gain any noticeable muscle whatsoever from the 12-14 weeks on it that I did and I also didn't lose any muscle that I had already when I came off. I'm constantly in a 'depressed' state and I need viagra which isn't normal for a man my age but could also be due to ptsd which I've been told by my doctor can cause these issues. I was 5'10 when I started my cycle and all my stats are still the same. If any 18 year old is reading this don't listen to those gobshite juice heads at the gym lol. I'm getting bloods taken on Thursday to check all of my levels to see what's what.