Do you pray...
I have prayed before my first set of every workout for the past MANY years. It becomes a quiet moment for me where I ask for a few things....
1) I say thanks for all the gifts in my life
2) Ask for help, to keep me strong, keep me safe, keep me working hard again.
3) Lead, guide, and direct me in my daily life.
I know that my workout partner has also started praying before his hard set...mostly just saying Thanks for being able to get up out of bed and be able to do what we do...and for strength to not quit.
I guess that I have always looked at what my gifts are as a gift from God..and if I don't use it to the would be a sin. Anyone else feel this way???
Anyone else pray before they lift?
Anyone else have any 'different' preworkout things that they do?
B True
I have prayed before my first set of every workout for the past MANY years. It becomes a quiet moment for me where I ask for a few things....
1) I say thanks for all the gifts in my life
2) Ask for help, to keep me strong, keep me safe, keep me working hard again.
3) Lead, guide, and direct me in my daily life.
I know that my workout partner has also started praying before his hard set...mostly just saying Thanks for being able to get up out of bed and be able to do what we do...and for strength to not quit.
I guess that I have always looked at what my gifts are as a gift from God..and if I don't use it to the would be a sin. Anyone else feel this way???
Anyone else pray before they lift?
Anyone else have any 'different' preworkout things that they do?
B True