velvett said:
I don't think there are actual "leagues" - all of that is in the mind of your peers suggesting that looks are the greatest worth.
someone said that.
This whole concept of "leagues" is utter bullshit...people need to
A) STOP selling themselves short, and
B) STOP putting others up on imaginary pedistals.
We're all human beings...nothing more, nothing less. Each of us has something to offer of ourselves, be it aesthetic (and I feel sorry for those whom this is
all they have to offer), personal, professional, causal, serious, whatever.
I've been told I'm a "better-than-average" looking guy many times, but that doesn't mean a damned thing to me. So what? I've known some (outwardly) beautiful people who were utter assholes. On the other hand, I've known some...shall we say "less-than-aesthetically pleasing" individuals who've had hearts of gold.
3 guesses who I'd rather be around?
Looks shouldn't intimidate people...but they do, and I find that sad. So many people are missing out on so much because they place their priorities in the wrong places.
Hey...if all you want is eye candy/shoulder trophies, knock yourselves out. If you want something more out of life, then don't sell someone short by either judging or being intimidated by what's on the outside.
I've dated 10's and I've dated 3's, speaking strictly from an aesthetic standpoint.
I've treated both the same.
With dignity and respect.
You might be suprised to learn how far that will go.