wootool said:
it's the same equation as guys with chicks. a girl with either big tits or a pretty face will always get alot of attention even if she's dumb as a bag of rocks and farts in public (actually thats a plus). same with a guy who's either built or very good looking. doesnt say anything about long-term prospects for a relationship, but its gets you laid
that's not been my experience. I've been in competition shape and i've had 20 pounds of excess shit around my waist and everything in between. if anything i've found it easier to pick up women when i've been out of shape. way too many women find a bodybuilder intimidating.
i know it's very subjective but here would be my list for what attracts women:
1(a). sense of humor - i know its been overstated in the past, but if you can make a women laugh you can get her in bed. the only caveat is that some guys think because they can make their buddies laugh then they can get women. not true. guys have a lot more basic and vulgar sense of humor, u got to be clever with women.
1(b). good looking - i had too many women admit to me that they only dated me because (at first) they thought i'd be nice to look at and fuck. i'd say about half the women i've met will fuck a good lucking guy that comes on to them regardless of personality at least for a while. the other half have to like him first (see 1 a)
2. money - they'll never admit it but true, but not solely for what money can buy. many women seek security and responsibility in a man. financial success indicates discipline, self-confidence and maturity. it tells the woman you're not just an overgrown boy, instead you are truly a man. still most women do like to be spoiled, and the things money can buy are like WD-40 on women's thighs, if you want her to do something then buy her something. it doesn't make them whores, it just means that they are smart enough to know that we value our money very highly, if we'll spend some of it on her, then it tells her we value her too.
3. manhood - size does matter, always has and always will. still its like the chick with perfect tits that keeps using her teeth during blowjobs. it does not (alone) make for good sex. i think a big pole is #3 because when women have felt mine during foreplay before we've done it the first time, it's always move things along more quickly. if u don't know how to touch a woman and get her off a big dick won't keep her coming back...but if you just want to fuck her a couple of times and then move on to the next one, what do you care? (caution on this one: women do talk about everything, if you live in a town of less than 100,000 people u better learn how to be good in bed).
4. build - and i don't mean fitness. I'm 6'2" tall, wear a 52 long jacket, my ass is measures 10inches more than my waist. Being somewhat tall, broad shouldered and not having a flat ass has been all most women have looked at in my build. it may sound like i'm conceited but i'm not. my parents gave me these traits so why should i be proud? happy yes, proud no.
I learn years ago to cover up most of my body. being really fit is a plus with most women as long as you don't look like that's all you think about. most women i've been with wouldn't fuck an ugly bodybuilder with a dull personality no matter how good his body looked. however being really fit and dressing well does attract women especially if can cover the above items...
5. then there's a whole lot of other things but they don't matter that much. women like these things but they're not deal-breakers and the order they fall does vary a lot in my experience:
complexion / coloring
straight white teeth - always hard for me cause i'm a lifetime skoal dipper
adventurous and/or a risk taker - someone to try new things
assertive or passionate
physically capable and/or athletic
popular with other guys
fun to party with and/or can dance well
nice car/stereo/etc...