posted just a few days ago by lyle mc donald....
he tried a carb up w/ 12g carbs/kgLBM over 24 hours. He ate 2g/kg carbs every three hours in teh form of 2 bagels and a little skim milk. He said the next morning he woke up holding no water, feeling lean as hell and full. The key, he believes, is that the carb up was all starch w/ no real fructose or sugar (a little lactose). and he took in a tbsp vinegar w/ each meal. btw he was very depleted.
I tried a similar approach...I woke up in the morning, ate a bunch (maybe 600 cals or more worth) of breads and the like. Then I worked out (leg day...very hard). Afterwards I ate starches like mad w/ not too much sodium. I also took in vinegar. I woke up the next morning feeling like I just did a trap workout they were so pumped. I felt fuller than I ever have. Very little water, I still felt pretty damn lean. I did the vinegar thing too. Most of what I ate was bread, some bagels, a couple instant pancakes. Alot of the bread I had consisted of sugar free strawberry jam/fat free cream cheese sandwiches.
I could have went a little cleaner, and timed my meals better and hell, maybe even counted carbs but overal I was very pleased.