bigboy's said:
i am going to be using DNP for 3 weeks. 1 week on 1 week off. so its gonna look like this:
week 1 400mg DNP
week 2
week 3 400mg DNP
week 4
week 5 600mg DNP
week 6
my question is, if i want to add a low dose of Cytomel(25mcg-50mcg) to keep thyroid levels stable shall i use it during the off weeks or with the DNP?
btw, i am using plenty of steroids.
thanks very much
Ok, so you basically want to do 3 back-to-back
7-on/7-off DNP cycles.
One problem: 7-on/7-off schedule doesn't let
T4-T3 conversion go back to normal
since the half-life of DNP is 36 hours.
7-on/7-off is more like a 12-on/2off cycle(I don't
understand why people don't realize this).
Due to the little off time your free T3 levels
will be low leading to a decline in the DNP's
The solution is quite simple, add 25mcgs T3/day
or the entire 6 weeks.
This dosage doen't suppress TSH to any great degree
and just puts your thyroid in the upper normal range.
This dosage will increase your T3 levels to the point
that will overcome the suppressed T4-T3
conversion in the liver due to the excessive heat.
And T3 at 25mcgs/day is NOT CATABOLIC.
Just make sure to eat protein at 1g/lb(like always).
You're running gear along-side the DNP, so the
possibility of catabolism is non-existant.
Hope that helped....
And PS You weigh 100Kg, optimal dose of DNP
for you is 6-8mg/Kg(thats 600-800mg/day for you).
400mg/day will do little. I'd increase my irst
cycle to 600mg/day.