Not all carbs are created equal. As a matter of fact high fructose corn syrup is a carb but by and large gets converted right to fat because our body does not know how to process it because its man made garbage. It also fails to cause the the chemical release that triggers the full feeling. Carbs with a low glycemic load are good, these include natural food such as vegetables and fruits although some fruits are better than others. Anything processed from a carb standpoint (breads, pasta etc) should be minimized. Many athletes actually get most of their energy from fats, good clean fats.
The govornment and their whole low fat high carb diet is killing America.
Not all carbs are created equal. As a matter of fact high fructose corn syrup is a carb but by and large gets converted right to fat because our body does not know how to process it because its man made garbage.
add in some need2slin if you fear adding in extra carbs...
I know I was able to drop a little body fat, while gaining lbm, even when I was "off season" and eating just above maintenance with 200+ carbs a day, and two weekly cheats by using it.