I agree with declined dumbell presses, I couldn't get the "hanging" lower pecs out of dipping or flat benchpressing, but dumbells did the trick for me
Mind you a lot of bb with full lower pecs are really AS bitch tits waitin to be born!
Nice basic routine:
training session 1-8
3 * 5 flat benchpress
(lower weight each set to complate same reps)
2 * 8 incline benchpress
2 * 8 incline dumbell press
2 * 8 flat dumbell press
2 * 8 decline dumbell press
finishing, choose one of the following:
) 2 * 10 incline flyes
) 2 * 10 flat flyes
) 2 * 10 cable cross
training session 9-16
3 * 5 incline benchpress
(lower weight each set to complate same reps)
2 * 8 flat benchpress
2 * 8 incline dumbell press
2 * 8 flat dumbell press
2 * 8 decline dumbell press
finishing, choose one of the following:
) 2 * 10 incline flyes
) 2 * 10 flat flyes
) 2 * 10 cable cross