well its the best routine i've used so far. i'm not kissing anybody' azz but DC put a lot of thoughts into the routine and i thank him for it. i've trained for about 5 years, went from 115 to 178 and i've gone thru trials and errors, tried everything from high volume to HIT to HST to weight/speed routines.. i admit everytime i changed routine i always made gains in the beginning, but its been two months and my gains are still coming nicely using the DC routine. so far my chest has gained the most and i'm thankful for it cuz my chest has always been stubborn. chest strength going thru the roof. my arms have stayed the same size, but they are gettin more defined. think one set will cause you to lose ur shape and line? think again. i got split between my bicepz and quad seperations that weren't there before. and WTF, for the firrst time in my life i have calves. the best thing about DC's routine is its actually fun. Sounds like those stupid aerobic equipment commercials? LOL. i dont know about other guys, but the fact that everytime i'm about to hit the gym i know i have once set, one chance to best my previous lifts, is exciting and motivating. and i dont have to pace myself thru the work out. i go in there, give it all i got, and get the fucck out.