I have to admit, I don't know a lot like guys do about training shoulders. These guys do put a lot into their training and appearance and I admire any man/woman who does this.
I've met both Cutler and Coleman and they seemed two of the nicest I have met.
On a sadder note, I do wonder how long these guys' hearts will hold up with all the stuff they put into their bodies. I don't think we always know exactly the long-term effects of "foreign particles" that we dump into our bodies
hey Joe. have you ever done a show or seen someone with protan or dreamtan on. it does look like shit in person...but looks great on stage. i believe that is why it looks like crap.
I htink his delts look good & are porportional. Personally, I think Markus Ruhl if anyone has delts that are out of whack looking. He's just too damn big.