I found after taking a few bottles, that
1. taking it with grape juice made me want to puke(and actually did a couple times) and
2. that after a few bottles painfully taken with grape juice, on a whim I tried it with grapefruit juice, and got better results.
Don't know why, or it if it was just mental, since it didn't make me want to puke, but I had more energy, and felt like I was getting better pumps leading me to believe better absorption by the ole body.
I would take it everyday, didn't worry about the loading phase, I would just take it once in the morning, and then about an hour before working out. I would also nuke my juice so that it was room temperature before adding creatine and drinking, I think trying to slam it down before the creatine could settle to the bottom when the juice was cold, helped make me puke. Didn't have that problem when I warmed it up with the grapefruit juice, although taking it with grape still did.( I like grape juice, but drinking it fast is something my body just did not like at all)
of course your weight may dictate how much ya wanna take, but I only took twice a day and my weight was 230 last time I took it, and I think the recommendation dosage is about twice that, so you may have to experiment with what your body responds to...
Hope this helps.