A new thought...
Do criminals (pedophiles, "makers of/possesors of" child pornography, etc.)...HAVE...first amendment rights? I mean...really, in reality, is this a BLOW to the first amendment, or an example of how each and every word of the Constitution is up for interpretation?
When preventing (even if it's ONLY ONE) sick pervert from creating, selling, or enjoying ANY TYPE of pornography involving images of innocent children, I say it's worth it to take EVERY PRECAUTION NECESSARY...
Do criminals (pedophiles, "makers of/possesors of" child pornography, etc.)...HAVE...first amendment rights? I mean...really, in reality, is this a BLOW to the first amendment, or an example of how each and every word of the Constitution is up for interpretation?
When preventing (even if it's ONLY ONE) sick pervert from creating, selling, or enjoying ANY TYPE of pornography involving images of innocent children, I say it's worth it to take EVERY PRECAUTION NECESSARY...