You don't have to cook the can be a nasty bastard like me and mix it into your shakes raw (if rolled oats or more processed - that shit wont work with steel cut/groats etc)
Umm, stone milled whole wheat bread - stay the fuck away from breads that have 'enriched wheat flower' in the ingredients
Brown/wild rice
-pull up the glycemic index list and start looking at the ones near the bottom - see if any interest you or require prep might be a better idea to look up foods on an insulin index though
Leafy greens are a good way to dampen down carb absorption, your body really has to work for the carbs, perhaps it even spends more energy than it gains (negative calories)...good way to get vits/min while at it...again they MAY need cooking
I hate cooking myself...but I can down nasty shit while keeping extreme apathy for taste (as long as it doesn't taste like shit)
BTW, you may want to consider that it may be an insulin spike that makes you tired, rather than a lack of carbs
...being the insulin resistant bastard that I am, sandwiches ALWAYS knocks me out